Wait.li April 2019 Update

What’s new in Wait.li?

Wait.li (Product Waiting Lists on the Shopify app store) has been up and running for almost 1.5 months now, and it has been going fantastic. Store owners are loving it so far, and I’m super excited to continue developing new features for the app to help you run your businesses better.

The #1 feature request has been bulk activation of customers on a waiting list - this took a while to implement, but it’s finally here!

I’ve also worked on improving the auto-installation, meaning easier + quicker installation setups for stores with custom / premium themes!

So all in all…

April 2019 Updates

  • Bulk activation of customers on a product waiting list
  • Auto-installation improvements
  • Slight list redesign, improvements for mobile and super wide screens

What’s Next?

I’m still deciding! But likely I will be introducing some more customization features (custom CSS input, etc) as well as continuing to improve the current waiting list flow.

Have any suggestions?

Have a feature request? Let me know by sending an email to hello@wait.li and I’ll work on implementing it on the next update!

Thanks for supporting Wait.li,
